
Bean came to the farm at two weeks old. He was rescued from slaughter. He needed to be bottle fed when he first came. He is a mischievous little boy, liking to chew on visitor's shoe laces. Bean doesn't seem to realize he is a goat. We are trying to socialize him with the other goats.

Fenway lost his goat companion and became very depressed. He was brought to Winslow Farm so he could be with other goats and animals. Fenway is very shy around people but has become quite friendly with Acorn, the goat.

Pan came to the farm at three and a half months. He arrived with Pedro. They were living in a non zoned area and needed a new home. Pan and Pedro enjoy the company of all the goats.

Pedro came to the farm at four and a half months. He arrived with Pan. They were living in a non zoned area and needed a new home. Pedro is very friendly and loves being with people.

Acorn was rescued from an auction. She was adopted at the same time as Holly and Blossom. She is a very pretty goat and loves the companionship of Holly and Blossom. She is shy around people.

Daisy is sweet little goat. She lost her companion goat. She came to Winslow Farm so she would not be alone and could mingle with the other goats.

Arwen is a beautiful nubian goat. She is extremely friendly and can be quite talkative trying to gain the attention of staff. Sadly her sister died, leaving the poor goat without companionship. She become depressed and stopped eating. She came to Winslow Farm. Arwen is five years old. She has become friendly with our baby boys, Dixie and Dickens; they frequently play together. She has also become friendlynwith one of our older goats, Pedro.

Dansa arrived with two goats, Dahlia and Dora, rescued from a neglected situation. Dansa is mom to our two boys, Dixie and Dickens. She is extremely friendly.

Dahlia arrived with her daughter, Dora, and Dansa. The three goats were in a neglected situation. Dahlia is very friendly and loves to have her neck scratched.

Little Dora arrived with her mom, Dahlia and Dansa from a neglected situation. Dora has a sweet swirl marking. She is a little shy.

Dakota came from the same neglected situation as Dansa, Dahlia and Dora. He is a handsome boy with big horns. He is dad to Dixie, Dickens and Dora.

Twigs is an Alpine Nigeria Dwarf mix. Twigs had a wonderful, loving home with her sister, Sugar, but sadly Sugar died. Twigs was lonely. It was hard to make the decision to let her live at Winslow Farm but with no companions other than dogs and a lack of adequate fencing for this active, high jumping goat, it was in her best interest to come to Winslow Farm.

Dixie and Dickens
Dixie & Dickens are a mix of Alpine and Nigerian dwarf goats. They were only ten weeks old when they arrived. Baby goats require extra attention so when their caretaker could no longer care for them. Winslow Farm agreed to take them. They were slowly introduced to the other goats as they grew. Dickens loves attention and Dixie is a bit more shy. They love to explore and check out anything new in their environment.

Gigi is ten years old. She is a sweet miniature American LaMancha goat. LaMancha hosts are easily recognized by their gopher or elfin style ears.

Floyd arrived on Friday, October 25, 2024. He is 14 years old and is a rare breed, literally, Heβ is an Arapawa Island goat. He spent the last 13 years on a farm in Norwell, MA with his best friends, Cookie, Janis, Tiger and Winnie. Sadly he was the last remaining goat. He needed new friends and Winslow was asked to take him in.